Politics and Policy

Episode 167: Zarin Hainsworth

z feature 2  Are some religions more upbeat than others? Zarin Hainsworth works for the rights of women around the world as did her mother, a true optimist. “Of course she was, because she was a Baha’i.” says Zarin, who also attributes her own optimism to her Baha’i beliefs. I find her outlook baffling but her accomplishments undeniable. We Jews are not a perky people, but we know admirable work when we see it. A conversation at the New York Baha’i Center with music from Max ZT.

  • person PERSON: Táhirih
  • place PLACE: Bahai Center, Kampala
  • Version 2 THING: this jacket
  • windsor RANDY’S PLACE: Windsor

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