The graphics he created for the Jets, BAM, Hillary Clinton et al are not merely decorative but can bring order out of chaos. He cites his mentor Massimo Vignelli’s designs for the MTA: “We can come up with a system of doing signs to pull this whole unruly crazy system together so no one ever … Continue reading »
Monthly Archives: May 2018
Episode 215: Randy Weston
This great jazz pianist has been making modern music for most of his 92 years, but he denies it, quoting Duke Ellington: “There’s no such thing as modern music.” He reconciled this paradox in our conversation at the piano at the BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center. We spoke, he played, and then: birthday cake! … Continue reading »
Episode 214: Azza Karam and Carl Murrell
When a religious group is distinctly sexist, why don’t women abandon it? Savvy answers from Azza Karam, a Muslim at the U.N. Population Council, and Carl Murrell, who represents the U.S. Baha’i community at the U.N. Both work for women’s equality as an expression of their religious beliefs. Faith and Feminism. Person: Malala Yousafzai … Continue reading »
Episode 213: Mandë Holford, Mercer R. Brugler
The 19th century biologist Ernst Haechel had flamboyantly false ideas about race but discovered thousands of species and coined the terms ecology, phylum, and stem cell. How do we reconcile his errors and his contributions? A conversation with two marine scientists at the American Museum of Natural History about being wrong. Music from Robert Duncan … Continue reading »